If you try to delete a project in AzureML it could happen that the delete checkbox is grayed out: At…
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For a project for the detection of the content emails, I’ve created anAzureML experiment. But it was not possible to…
Am kommenden Montag, 11. April, findet um 18 Uhr in Hamburg das April Meetup der Microsoft Cloud Community Nord statt….
Microsoft ernennt unseren Kollegen Marcel Meurer zum Most Valuable Professional für Azure. Mit dieser Auszeichnung ehrt Microsoft führende Mitglieder der…
For an upcoming project I will send short data telegrams to an Event Hub on Microsoft Azure. I have some…
Im Dezember habe ich auf dem sepagoForum in Köln einen eher unterhaltsamen Vortrag zu Azure Machine Learning gehalten: „Fun with…
In December, I gave an entertaining lecture on Azure Machine Learning during our sepagoForum event in Cologne, titled “Fun with…
21wrote a PowerShell module to work with OneDrive via command line. The module use the documented OneDrive web API from…
Techincal Details The analysis of new tweets based on “learning” is built using a 4-tier application in Microsoft Azure: Azure…
This is the English version of my German article on Microsoft Tech Hub: https://www.microsoft.com/germany/technet/case-studies/verbesserte-informationsbeschaffung-durch-azure-machine-learning.aspx Sepago as a technology and consulting company located…