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OneDrive PowerShell Module – Added support for OneDrive for Business

More than two years ago, I created my PowerShell module to access OneDrive. This module can be installed with a one-liner from https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/OneDrive

Again, I was asked to support OneDrive for Business and finally, I’m ready: From version 2.0.0 OneDrive for Business is supported.


I provide the complete documentation on GitHub, where I will maintain it: https://github.com/MarcelMeurer/PowerShellGallery-OneDrive


Here is the summary of version 2.0.0:


The OneDrive PowerShell module is available via PowerShellGallery.com. If you want to support and work with me feel free to make changes cloning this repo, change and send me and a pull request.

This OneDrive version (2.0.0 and higher in PowerShellGallery.com) supports:

  •  OneDrive personal
  •  OneDrive for Business


Open PowerShell and

Install-Module -Name OneDrive -Scope CurrentUser -force

You can update the module to a newer version with the same command (-force). If you don’t use PowerShellGet currently, go to the Gallery on https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/OneDrive and click “Get Started”.

Check your installation with

Get-Help -Name OneDrive


Before you start using the OneDrive module you have registered your script/application. This differs depending on the OneDrive version to be used.

OneDrive Personal

Read this on my blog: https://www.sepago.de/blog/onedrive-powershell-module-new-version-with-improved-authentication/

  • Go to: https://apps.dev.microsoft.com and login with your Microsoft Account (MSA) and “Add an app” in the category “converged applications”
  • Enter a name and press “create”
  • Press “Generate New Password” and save the password (app key)
  • Also, save the “Application id”
  • Press “Add Platforms” and select “Web”
  • Check “Allow implicit Flow” and enter a “Redirect URL”. This is not a real URL. Choose a localhost address and note it. In my case, I chose: http://localhost/login

  • Press “Save”
  • Now you have all the necessary data for your app/script:
    • Client Id: 5dd40b03-0ead-451b-b5e3-f704550e8cca
    • AppKey: xqacs8K92MuCJKgciRHQ1Cf
    • RedirectURI: http://localhost/login
  • To get an authentication token use:
$Auth=Get-ODAuthentication -ClientID 5dd40b03-0ead-451b-b5e3-f704550e8cca -AppKey xqacs8K92MuCJKgciRHQ1Cf -RedirectURI http://localhost/login

OneDrive for Business

To use OneDrive for business you have to register your script/app to in Azure Active Directory

  • Within the “Required permissions” add “Office 365 SharePoint Online (Microsoft.Sharepoint)”
  • Select “Read and write user files” below “delegated permissions” for the Office 365 API
  • Generate a secret key for this application and save it for later use. Also, save the application Id

  • You should now have the following parameter:
  • Additionally you need the resource URL for OneDrive for Business. Normally: https://-my.sharepoint.com/. In our company this is the URL “https://sepagogmbh-my.sharepoint.com/” (the last one / is important).
  • To get an authentication token use:
$Auth=Get-ODAuthentication -ClientId "2831fc52-e1b8-4493-9f3a-a3dad74b2081" -AppKey "TqoSXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX="  -RedirectURI "http://sepago.de/1Drive4Business" -ResourceId "https://sepagogmbh-my.sharepoint.com/"

Renew the authentication with a refresh token

An access token is 1 hour valid. You can get a new access token with the refresh token provided by the last authentication. This is necessary if you are creating a script that will work for a long time without further user input. Renew your access token automatically in the program code.

$Auth=Get-ODAuthentication -ClientId 2831fc52-e1b8-4493-9f3a-a3dad74b2081 -AppKey "TqoSXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX=" -RedirectURI "http://sepago.de/1Drive4Business" -ResourceId "https://sepagogmbh-my.sharepoint.com/" -RefreshToken $LastAuth.refresh_token
  • Where $LastAuth is your last authentication result (containing the refresh token)
  • For OneDrive personal leave the ResourceId empty (-ResourceId “”)

Working with files and folders

Get an authentication code from above and store it in $Auth

List files and folders

Get-ODChildItems -AccessToken $Auth.access_token -ResourceId "https://sepagogmbh-my.sharepoint.com/" -path "/"

List files and folders

Remove-ODItem -AccessToken $Auth.access_token -ResourceId “https://sepagogmbh-my.sharepoint.com/” -path “/Upload”

Creating a folder

New-ODFolder -AccessToken $Auth.access_token -ResourceId "https://sepagogmbh-my.sharepoint.com/" -path "/" -FolderName "Upload"

Upload local files to OneDrive

Add-ODItem -AccessToken $Auth.access_token -ResourceId "https://sepagogmbh-my.sharepoint.com/" -LocalFile "D:\DEV\PowerShell\PowerShellGallery-OneDrive\Test\Uploads\IoT Workshop.pptx" -Path "/Upload"

List OneDrive drives

Get-ODDrives -AccessToken $Auth.access_token -ResourceId "https://sepagogmbh-my.sharepoint.com/"

Downloading some files

Get-ODItem -AccessToken $Auth.access_token -ResourceId "https://sepagogmbh-my.sharepoint.com/" -Path "/Upload/Doings.txt" -LocalPath "D:\DEV\PowerShell\PowerShellGallery-OneDrive\Test\Downloads"

Get-ODItem -AccessToken $Auth.access_token -ResourceId "https://sepagogmbh-my.sharepoint.com/" -Path "/Upload/Doings.txt" -LocalPath "D:\DEV\PowerShell\PowerShellGallery-OneDrive\Test\Downloads" -LocalFileName "Copy from OneDrive.Doings.txt"

Delete a file in OneDrive

Remove-ODItem -AccessToken $Auth.access_token -ResourceId "https://sepagogmbh-my.sharepoint.com/" -Path "/Upload/Doings.txt"